Private coding lessons with Coco Coders now available
We know that although our group coding lessons are great for building communication and collaboration skills, some students prefer to have the dedicated attention of a teacher, or they’re able to focus better without the distraction of other students.
This is why we have just added the option of private coding lessons for students, where they’ll be one-to-one with one of our Coco teachers.
What happens if you miss a lesson?
It’s absolutely fine to miss a lesson from time to time, especially if it’s for a vacation! We teach coding through a ‘spiral curriculum’, where core concepts are covered again and again in many different ways and in different projects….
Coming up: ‘Start a Business’ theme
Our Start a Business theme is starting in July where children will come up with a product, then create a game where they can sell it and grow their business! Sign up to our weekly coding classes by 30th June to take part…
The Four Types of Screen Time
As parents in a digital age, we’re generally advised to limit the time our kids spend on a screen each day. Some types of screen time are better than others though, so we’ve put together a short guide to the different types and how you can manage your child’s time on devices…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - A Parent’s Guide to ChatGPT
Innovations like AI are fast becoming normality. The chances are that if you’ve not heard of ChatGPT yet, your kids have! Here at Coco Coders we’re parents ourselves and strive to help you keep up-to-date with new technologies.
Join us for 12 Weeks of Coding Classes this Summer and get 50% off!
It's easy for kids to lose academic skills and knowledge over the summer, when they're not at school, with many kids experiencing the summer slide or summer learning loss. Our weekly coding lessons for kids will enable your child to enjoy an hour of enriched learning every week, whilst having lots of fun!
Sign up now for our weekly online coding classes. Coming up…Quiz Games!
Sign up in time for our next theme, Quiz Games, before June 1st! Coding classes for kids aged 6-12, we can’t wait to see you!
Watch: Future-Ready with Coco Coders Webinar
Future Ready with Coco Coders: Watch our first webinar with our first guest Thomas Suarez, who taught himself to build iphone apps, learning Python, Java and C, had multiple successful apps featured in the app store, AND led his own TED Talk - all by the age of 12!
Earth Day: Calling all future scientists, engineers and coders!
This Earth Day, we are celebrating 5 recent inventions that were developed with the goal of cleaning up our planet, and how they are making a difference! At the core of what kids learn in our weekly coding classes, are the skills to be future ready and we help them be amongst those pushing technologies further in the future.
Sign up now for our Planetary Exploration Theme!
Sign up before 30th April to join the next block of Coco Coders weekly online coding classes…create games and animations in our new theme Planetary Exploration!
A Parent’s Guide to Decoding Popular Gaming Language
It’s difficult enough to keep up with the latest video game trends, let alone the vocabulary that comes along with them! This is especially true for games like Roblox and Minecraft, which are incredibly popular with today’s young kids as well as teenagers. We’ve created a helpful guide that can help translate some of the most common terms you may hear your gamers using.
How to Code Your Own Calculator
Coding games are a lot of fun and did you know that coding involves other subjects such as mathematics? Coding lends itself to being used in lots of different subjects, like mathematics, science, design technology, art, and geography! In honour of April being Mathematics Awareness Month, we have created a FREE coding activity for your child with step-by-step instructions for creating their very own calculator.
Our next Creative Theme: Sign up for Magical Creatures
Sign your child up for our weekly coding classes before April 7th!
How Coding Has Impacted Worldwide Healthcare
The use of coding in the healthcare industry has been on the rise for several years. From electronic medical records to telemedicine, coding has become an essential part of modern healthcare. Here are some ways that coding is forever changing the face of Healthcare worldwide.
Easter Eggs: It’s not all about Chocolate and Candy
Keep an eye out for sneaky little messages in your favorite films and games, these ‘easter eggs’ add an extra layer of entertainment!
Helping children with Autism achieve their full potential through coding.
Our founder Elizabeth shares her own story of how coding has had a profound impact on her autistic son’s life…
Coding Badges
NEW! Now your coder will earn unique badges for attending classes, completing themes, and mastering specific coding skills!
7 Ways to Beat Spring Break Boredom
While brain breaks are super important, there are still fun ways to keep your kids engaged in creative and educational activities while they take a break from hectic school schedules.
Job Hopping: Why Millennials and Gen Z Workers Don’t Sit Still
The concept of staying in one job for your entire career is no longer the norm. In fact, job hopping, or moving from one job to another frequently, has become a common practice for the Millennial and Generation Z workforce. But why are younger workers far less likely to stay in one position for more than one year?
5 Reasons Your Child Will Fall In Love With Coding
Helping your kids learn to code is not only a fun way for them to learn future-ready skills, but it will also help them build the confidence and determination to thrive no matter what life throws at them. Highly sought after skills plus the confidence and perseverance to get the job done? Now that’s a swoon-worthy match made in tech-heaven!