Easter Eggs: It’s not all about Chocolate and Candy

Easter Eggs are a fun and hidden surprise that filmmakers and game developers like to put into their works. They're not actual eggs, of course, but they're little hidden gems that add an extra layer of entertainment to movies and video games.

If you’re not familiar with Easter eggs of the non-chocolate variety, here's what you need to know…

Easter eggs are secret messages, references, or jokes hidden in movies, TV shows, and video games. They're not advertised, and you won't find them by just watching or playing the content normally. Instead, you need to know where to look or what to do to trigger the easter egg.

For example, in a video game, an easter egg might be a hidden room or a special item that you can only access by completing a certain sequence of actions. In a movie, an easter egg might be a brief cameo by a character from another movie, or a hidden message in the background that you can only see if you pause the movie and look closely.

The First Easter Egg was planted in 1980 when developer Warren Robinett snuck his name into the Atari 2600's Adventure. His name would only come up if players discovered a secret room. Disney and Pixar soon latched on to the idea planting Easter Eggs in many popular movies that you’re sure to have watched!

There are a few Easter Egg’s in Ratatouille that you’ll notice if you’re really observant.

Why Do Easter Eggs in movies and games exist?

Easter eggs are often added as a way for creators to show off their creativity and pay homage to other works they admire. They're also a way to reward dedicated fans who take the time to explore every nook and cranny of a game or movie. Easter eggs can also create buzz and excitement around a project, as fans share their discoveries with each other and speculate about what other secrets might be hidden.

So keep an eye out for sneaky hidden messages in your favorite films and games that will make you smile and think “ahhhh, clever!”.

Look out for Easter Egg’s in these popular Disney Films

  • Rapunzel and Flynn from ‘Tangled’ showing up in Frozen

  • Mrs Potts and Chip from Beauty & The Beast make an appearance in Tarzan!

See all 20 creative Easter Eggs hidden in Disney movies

See 55+ Hiden Google Easter Eggs


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