Coming up: ‘Start a Business’ theme

We have an exciting theme coming up for our Coco Coders next! In our ‘Start a Business’ theme, kids will be coming up with a product to sell. They’ll then create a game where they can sell that product and grow their business!

If you’re not already enjoying our weekly coding classes for kids, be sure to sign up before 29th June. Your child will complete their 2-week bootcamp and be ready to join this exciting theme. Our bootcamp shows kids the basics of coding and helps us make sure they are with the right teacher and with children of a similar age and experience.

We launch a new theme every 4 weeks, so when you sign your child up for our weekly classes, they’ll move from theme to theme with their class and earn badges to show their progress along the way.

Sign up before Thursday 29th June to join in.


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