Sign up now for our weekly online coding classes. Coming up…Quiz Games!

We can’t wait to kick off our Quiz Games theme next month, where our students will be creating tricky trivia games to test the player's knowledge.

There’s still time for your child to complete their 2-week bootcamp to be ready to join the Quiz Games theme. Our bootcamp shows children the basics of coding and helps us select the right teacher for them.

Following bootcamp, your child will then join a group of children of a similar age and experience, working together to build their Quiz Games coding project, learning new skills and having a lot of fun! We launch a new theme every 4 weeks, so we keep things fresh and fun for our Coco Coders, who move from theme to theme with their class and earn badges along the way.

Be sure to sign up before Thursday June 1 2023 to join in. 


Join us for 12 Weeks of Coding Classes this Summer and get 50% off!


Watch: Future-Ready with Coco Coders Webinar