What is Javascript?

JavaScript is a popular programming language that helps make websites interactive and dynamic. Think of it as the magic wand behind the scenes that brings websites to life! When you visit a website and see moving images, interactive forms, or responsive buttons that change color when you hover over them, that's thanks to JavaScript.

Imagine a website as a house. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is like the structure and layout of the house, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the decoration and styling, and JavaScript is the electricity that powers everything and makes it work smoothly. It enables elements on a website to respond to your actions, like clicking a button or filling out a form.

For instance, if you're playing an online game or filling out a form on a website, JavaScript is what allows you to do that in a fun and interactive way. It can help display pop-up messages, validate information you type, and much more.

So, when your kids are using the internet and enjoying all those interactive features on websites, you can tell them that JavaScript is what makes it all possible!


What is HTML?


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