What is CSS?

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is like the fancy decoration for a website. Imagine a cake—it's the icing, sprinkles, and design that make the cake look beautiful and appealing.

In the world of the internet, a website is like a cake, and HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the basic structure or cake base. But just having a cake without any decorations is a bit plain. That's where CSS comes in!

CSS adds the style and appearance to the website. It's the tool that helps to decide how the website will look: the colors, fonts, layouts, and overall design. For example, it decides if headings are big or small, if text is in bold or italics, and even the spacing between different elements on the page.

In simpler terms, CSS is like the magic wand that turns a plain cake into a beautifully decorated, eye-catching cake that everyone wants to have a slice of!


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