Coding Concepts
In our coding classes, children don’t just follow instructions and copy what a teacher shows them - they really learn how to code. We use a spiral curriculum, covering all of the key coding concepts again and again, so that students learn how to apply them in many different ways. And we regularly challenge them to code their own solutions to problems or to collaborate with others in their class.
Whether they’re learning to code in Scratch or Javascript, here are some of the coding concepts your child will master in their Coco Coders lessons:
Loops allow us to repeat a set of code multiple times. In Scratch, students work with forever, repeat, and repeat until loops. In JavaScript, students will focus on for loops and while loops, as well as using the draw function in p5.js which acts as an endless loop.
Conditions allow our program to decide which code to execute (or not execute), based on the outcome of a true or false statement. Conditional statements are often formed with an “if / then” structure. Some loops also have conditions built into them.
Variables are containers for storing data. Each variable has a name and can store one value. The value can be any type of data, including numbers, text, images, and more. Importantly, the contents of variables can be changed within our code.
Coordinates are a set of numbers that represent a location on the screen. In 2D spaces, we use the x and y coordinates. The x coordinate of an object tells us where it is located horizontally on the screen, and the y coordinate tells us where it is located vertically. Using and manipulating coordinates is key for creating screen layouts, movement, and animation.
Functions are blocks of code defined by the programmer that perform specific tasks or calculations. They are designed to be easily reusable - once a function is defined it can be used again by calling its name. Some functions can also receive data inputs, which can change the output of the function. In Scratch, functions are referred to as My Blocks.
Operators are symbols that represent a specific action. The basic operators fall into three categories. Mathematical operators are used to manipulate numbers. Comparison operators allow us to look at two values and check equality or see which is larger. Logical operators like and and or are used to create complex conditional statements.
Events are actions that occur while a program is running - these can be events generated by your computer, such as a timer completing, or input events, like a key being pressed or the mouse being clicked.
Sequencing is the order in which code statements are executed. Typically code runs in the order it appears on the screen, but control structures such as loops and conditional statements can change the order in which statements are executed.
Lists are used for data storage, just like variables. However lists can store multiple items of data. In JavaScript and other text-based languages, lists are referred to as arrays.
Objects are another data type, and can be made up of both data values and functions. In Scratch, objects are most similar to clones, which are copies of a character that have their own unique data values and functions.
Not yet a Coco student?
Our online coding classes are a lot of fun, but they’re also really effective at teaching coding techniques and challenging students to develop their skills. You’ll learn about all these coding concepts and you’ll build your own games and animations with a small group of kids of the same age and experience level as you.
Sign up for a 4-week trial at 50% off and let your child try our online classes.