CocoCoders x Prisma

As part of our mission to get the next generation future-ready, we are thrilled to announce a partnership with Prisma, an accredited, comprehensive online school for grades 4-12. 

Some experts predict that 60% of today’s elementary schoolers will grow up to do jobs that haven’t been invented yet. Our education system should prepare kids with the skills they’ll need to constantly adapt in this uncertain future. But is the system up to the task? Increasingly, forward-thinking parents are looking outside the traditional school system to prepare their child for the future. 

Prisma believes in teaching traditional academic subjects in a way that’s relevant to the real world, with a focus on building usable skills over memorizing facts. They also believe the kids that will be most adaptable in the future are kids who love learning. At Prisma, school is unapologetically fun. Prisma learners master academics through interdisciplinary, project-based themes like Playology (learning Physics & Economics through designing their own toy), Unsolved Mysteries (Research & Social Studies by investigating a real-world case), or Uncharted Territories (Biology & Geography by inventing an ecosystem). They call their mix of challenging and engaging learning “hard fun.”

Prisma learners collaborate within a small peer group called a “cohort,” supported by an expert teacher called a “learning coach.” Coaches facilitate engaging daily live workshops and support each learner 1:1, pushing them to achieve their goals. Learners build lasting friendships within their cohort and as part of a community of kids around the world. They start clubs, attend meetups, and join electives, including—starting this Spring—Prisma x Coco Coders courses. Coco Coders’ world-class, project-based coding programs provide the opportunity for learners to deepen and extend the learning from Prisma’s project-based core curriculum. 

Prisma’s model resonates with all kinds of families—from homeschoolers looking for more community and educator support, to traveling families looking for more lifestyle flexibility, to forward-thinking families seeking a more innovative approach to learning for their child. Limited spots remain in Prisma’s middle and high school programs for Fall 2024.

Coco Coders families can get $250 off their Prisma deposit by using the code COCO250

Learn more about Prisma by exploring their website or seeing what parents have to say on Niche


Electronic Music - Free coding activity


Robotics - Free coding activity