Tips for getting the most from your coding lessons

Our Coco Coders teachers are experts at educating and supporting children, and they work hard to keep them engaged in what they’re learning—but there’s only so much they can do from the other side of a screen. It can help a lot if you, as a parent, make sure your child is set up for success.

Here are a few practical tips to help your child get the most out of their coding lessons:

1. Set up a suitable learning space  

Set up your child’s device in a quiet, comfortable, and well-lit space where they can focus on their coding lessons. This space should be free from distractions like TV or excessive noise. Having a dedicated learning area signals to your child that it’s time to focus, helping them stay engaged and motivated.

2. Be present  

For your child’s first few lessons, we recommend having an adult nearby to help them set up their camera and microphone, get familiar with sharing their screen, and use features like the chat.

3. Run the device check   

A few minutes before your first lesson, visit our device check page to make sure your computer is all set up for the Coco Classroom. This will run quick tests on your camera, microphone, and speakers so you can resolve any issues before the lesson starts.

4. Have a reliable internet connection   

Our coding lessons involve screen-sharing and streaming multiple videos, so a fast, stable internet connection is essential to prevent disruptions and keep lessons running smoothly. We recommend keeping your computer close to the internet router and restarting the device shortly before the lesson begins. It’s also helpful to limit internet use by others in the household during the lesson—for example, avoid streaming movies or joining video calls.

5. Close down other apps  

The Coco Classroom runs in a web browser, so all other apps on your child’s computer can be closed before the lesson starts. This helps the computer run faster, prevents other applications from slowing down the internet connection, and also reduces distractions.

6. Encourage curiosity and exploration   

Coding is all about problem-solving and experimentation. Encourage your child to ask questions and explore different ways to tackle tasks. Reinforce that mistakes are part of the learning process and praise them for their effort, creativity, and resilience.

7. Ask them about the lesson  

After each lesson, take a few minutes to ask your child about what they learned. Get them to show you the progress they’ve made on their project, and offer to play their game once it’s completed. We also send an email before each lesson with key points and suggested questions to ask.

By following these tips, you’ll help your child maximize the value of their Coco Coders lessons and support their growth in this invaluable skill. Happy coding!


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