Guide to Raising Future Ready Kids
Our Guide to Raising Future-Ready Kids is packed with insights, actionable tips and advice for giving your child the best possible start in the high-tech future ahead of them.
Group vs Private Coding lessons, which is right for your child?
If you’re considering our coding classes for your child, here are some key differences between our Group and Private coding lessons…
Filling the Educational Skills Gap: Why we’re passionate about getting children into coding early
One year on from the launch of Coco Coders, our CEO and founder Elizabeth Tweedale reflects on how we remain passionate about getting children into coding early, teaching hybrid skills for a technologically advanced future.
The Four Types of Screen Time
As parents in a digital age, we’re generally advised to limit the time our kids spend on a screen each day. Some types of screen time are better than others though, so we’ve put together a short guide to the different types and how you can manage your child’s time on devices…