5 Ways to Prevent Learning Loss over Winter Break

With winter break on the way, now is the time to think ahead about how you’ll keep your kids from backsliding into learning loss. According to the National Summer Learning Association, nine out of ten teachers say they can spend up to three weeks re-teaching lessons that have been lost over long breaks from school. This is frustrating for both teachers and students, and takes valuable teaching time away from new subjects or lessons that will help further students’ progress. 

It only takes kids a few days out of their normal routine to completely change the way their brains retain information, so making an effort to add small review or learning opportunities here and there over break makes a big difference in preventing learning loss. But ‘brain breaks’, or giving the brain something to do other than school lessons, are also very important and beneficial to overall brain health. So how can we balance taking advantage of a break while also preventing learning loss? The easy answer here is: Make learning fun! 

At Coco Coders, this is one of our main objectives for every lesson we develop. In the end, it doesn’t matter how advanced, cutting edge, or impressive our award-winning coding curriculum is if it isn’t also fun. We want our students to look forward to classes every week and get excited about the new challenges we pose in our lessons. If they’re learning coding in a way that doesn’t excite and entertain them, they won’t retain as much information or continue with classes. It’s that simple. 

Here are 5 ways to work brain exercise into your kids winter breaks while still keeping it fun!

1. Play games

Card games, board games, and yes, even video games can all stimulate your kids’ brains in positive ways and keep their brains active and those critical thinking skills sharp over winter break. 

2. Read

Reading is a fantastic way to give your students some time to relax as well as keep their brains well fed and active. Whether it’s reading for review or just for pleasure, the benefits are all positive. 

3. Have a cooking lesson

Time spent in the kitchen can cover a multitude of educational topics including math, science, and reading comprehension. It also creates a bunch of fun family memories when everyone works together! Plus, with delicious meals or tasty treats to share as a result, who wouldn’t want to join in? 

4. Play instruments (homemade or real!) and make up songs together

This activity will get creative juices flowing as well as challenge their vocabulary and language skills when it comes to creating rhyming lyrics. Bonus creative and critical thinking points if you use items around your house to make the instruments!

5. Enroll in online coding classes with Coco Coders

This is our obvious favorite option! Coding classes will spark incredible creativity in your students as well as challenge their critical thinking and communication skills as they work together with their classmates to build games and projects through block or text-based code. These classes build real skills that will not only keep your students' brains sharp over break, but benefit them throughout the rest of their educational and professional careers. This is also a great screen time compromise, ensuring an hour of active and creative screen time each week that is healthy and beneficial for your kids. Everyone wins!

This winter break, give your kids the opportunity to build a passion for problem solving and watch them accomplish things you never thought possible. And as an added bonus, when you join us this month you’ll get 4 complete weeks of coding classes for just $30! That’s less than $8 a class, and much less than you’ll spend on a trip to the mall or the movies to keep them busy over break!

Keep your kids’ brains active this winter break and you’ll give your kids the confidence to go back to school ready to pick up where they left off instead of struggling to get back into a learning routine. Less stress and more brain power? That’s a powerfully positive way to greet the new year! 


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